Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Two Things for The Day

For some reason earlier last week, I found myself actually watching The Golden Girls and it was, as expected, horrible. It was interesting to see what a middle-aged Betty White looks like, but the show was lacking in moving characters. They all seemed like caricatures and meant to appeal to elderly women or middle-aged housewives. Yes, I can see and appreciate why sitcoms that capture the experiences of women friends in their 'golden' years could fill a niche in the sitcom scene, but the show is quite boring, despite some amusing interactions among the group. Like all sitcoms, it's rooted in a 'family' centered on these four women, and they mock and love each other like most sitcom families (and they of course mock and insult each other with sexist values and double standards that were common in the day).

To be honest, it seems like one of the plethora of mediocre to sub-par sitcoms I can never get into. I guess the show also encapsulated aspects of Miami from the perspective of older white Americans, which could be useful. In addition, I can't help but feel that part of the reason Betty White today appears and stars in television shows today is just because of her age. You know, one of those spectacles perhaps who is supposed to be funny because she's so old and little? It makes me uncomfortable television does that, simply uses someone because of their age as a prop in some respects. However, perhaps I am just imagining this, and I'm sure White is compensated for her guest starring appearances.

Also, I learned about a new person, West Ford, the possible black son of George Washington! Abagond blogged about him recently and he sounds like a fascinating person! Thomas Jefferson wasn't the only one who enjoyed black slave women, if you could call rape or sexual relations in such an unequal setting consensual.

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