Monday, October 21, 2013

Chansons Créoles, Chansons folkloriques d’Haiti and Andrée Lescot

Chansons Créoles and Chansons folkloriques d’Haiti, have been a wonderful musical experience. The vocalist, Andrée Lescot, has a lovely voice and though the band accompanying her sounds thoroughly French and quite removed from Haitian or Louisiana Creole folk music, one cannot help but fall in love with her vocal acrobatics. I am especially in love with "Chere mo lemme toi" though it seems to be more of a Louisiana Creole tune than Haitian.

I could be wrong though, I'm far from perfect! Anywho, it's a beautiful song with an excellent ensemble led by Roger Bourdin. Check out this and this for more of Lescot's enchanting voice. Oh, and Lescot was the daughter of a Haitian president, and kind of looks like him, too. My favorites from the above two recordings are "Dansé Conni Conné" because of the guitar and "Erzulie Malade," which reminds me of Lolita Cuevas singing with Frantz Casseus. 


  1. Pretty woman with a nice voice. I don't recognize the song and the words don't sound like creole, it sounds more like petit nègre. How old is this song "Chere mo lemme toi"?

    1. I thought she was singing in Louisiana Creole because "Chere mo lemme toi" is definitely a Louisiana Creole song. I couldn't find otu too much information but all I did was a quick Google search.

  2. Well, how about that, real time communication. Did you get the day off?

    1. Hahaha, yes, fortunately I am off from that place. I am going to write a post about that job later today or tomorrow morning.

  3. I found this page that says she was the daughter of president Lescot.

  4. Mustn't keep a man from his work so I'm off.
